Vote Biblical Principles

If I had one hour of undivided attention of anyone in this country who votes for unbiblical candidates, I could convince them to vote Biblical Principles. When I say undivided attention, I mean that we would be locked in a small room together were they could not leave, could not put on earphones, or listen to music, could not talk to themselves to override my voice, and had to look me in the eye the entire time, thus get one full hour of there undivided attention.

It would be a two step process. First I would merely read them the party platform of the party who does not follow biblical principles. The vast majority of voters are not paying any attention and have no clue what they are voting for. A clear reading of there own party platform would convince that vast majority to flip parties.

The second and only other step required if learning that actual underpinnings of there own party does not do the trick is to prove to them that there is indeed a heaven and hell because if they are still willing to vote for their non biblical party, this proves that they are an evil person and clearly do not believe in heaven and hell because if they did, they would no longer be evil. I would explain to them "The Theory of Biblical Patterns" which proves to five hundred orders of magnitude that there is indeed a heaven and hell.

Once this two step process is complete, one, to show them how unbiblical there party is, and two, to prove to them that if you go against biblical principles or encourage others to go against biblical principles or vote for those who put into place unbiblical laws, you clearly don't accept Christ and are therefore not getting into heaven when you die. Since we will have proven that the only two choices are heaven or hell, they will not like the alternative.

This two step process will convert anyone from unbiblical to biblical.