The high degree of beauty and precision to infinity of the mandelbrot set proves that it was created by God because Dr. Roger Penrose, a highly regarded scientist and athiest admits and has written down and has been verified by hundreds of well respected atheist PHDs that our universe is indeed fine tuned to 10^10^123. If you know anything about exponents, you realize that this is an extremely large number as there are only 10^80 sub atomic particles in the known universe.

There is no possible way this precision and fine tuning could have occurred by chance. The atheist argument is that there are an infinite number of universes which just further proves our creators glory, but their explanation is that we know we exist because we are in a universe that is just barely fine tuned for life. If it were more than barely, that would prove a creator.

But our universe is fine tuned to far above what it needs to sustain life. The fine tuning of the mandelbrot set to infinity is a perfect example of that. The mandelbrot set is not needed for life, but it is finely tuned to infinity in the universe that we exist in, therefore proving a creator.